The Delfi Group is an Authorized Partner of PXT Select™, Everything DiSC™, The Five Behaviours of a Cohesive Team, TalentClick and to The Achievement Centre. The products we use under these banners allow us to help the client achieve their goals based on evidence. These tools are very versatile as they can be helpful in multiple services we are offering.
Following are some additional information about the assessment tools we are using and the developmental programs we are delivering.
This tool is an online assessment that measures four areas of an individual: cognitive abilities, thinking style, behaviours, and interests. It helps organizations to evaluate, coach, select, onboard, and develop their most valuable resources, their employees. Used as one of the assessment methodologies during a hiring process, it provides a rich compilation of data to inform the decision-making process and ensure that the organization is putting the right people in the right position.
There are a total of 13 different reports available that provide actionable data about employees and teams. Once the online questionnaire is completed, the respondent is entitled to a coaching session with a Certified PXT Select™ Coaching Professional.
Everything DiSC® solutions provide rich, versatile learning programs that offer personal insight for learners at every level of an organization, using a consistent language of DiSC®. Using a research-validated learning model, each solution provides in-depth information including tips, strategies, and action plans to help learners become more effective in the workplace. All Everything DiSC solutions include unlimited access to complimentary follow-up reports and MyEverythingDiSC®, the interactive learning portal exclusive to Everything DiSC.
We are mainly using the Everything DiSC® tool to improve workplace effectiveness with the help of 4 specific reports:
The CheckPoint Feedback System is a 360-degree survey. It is used primarily to evaluate the effectiveness of your managers and leaders. This survey combines feedback from direct reports, peers, supervisors, and even customers, with a personalized program for developing specific leadership skills based on that feedback. The CheckPoint 360™ helps managers identify and prioritize their own development opportunities and helps the organization to better focus management training. This process highlights a manager’s job performance in eight Universal Management Competencies:
This tool measure individuals’ emotional intelligence using decades of research with the objective of supporting effective human performance and development. The EQ-I 2.0 is an online self-rating assessment tool. Emotional intelligence is a set of emotional and social skills that, together, determine how we perceive and express ourselves, develop and maintain social relationships, cope with challenges, and use emotional information in an effective and meaningful way. Those skills are critical for building relationships, resolving conflict, solving problems, and building resilience. The model provides information about five specific scales: self-perception, self-expression, interpersonal, decision-making and stress management. Each of those scales are subdivided in 15 sub-scales, providing more specific information about the strength and the potential areas for development of the participant.
A 360 option is available.
The MBTI is a tool aimed at helping people understand their own communication preference and how they are interacting with others. Knowing and understanding our own preferred MBTI style can help adapt our interpersonal approach to different situations and audiences. In addition, this tool can help us understanding and appreciating differences. It provides a framework for people to develop their self-awareness regarding their motivations, strengths, and potential areas of improvement. It will also help them appreciate other people’s motivations and strengths. That understanding and appreciation about how people prefer to function can improve how they are working and relating to each other.
The MBTI can be used for leadership development, team development, and career development.
The FIRO® instrument help people better understand their interpersonal needs and how those needs impact their communication style and behaviour. The assessment is based on social needs theory regarding the equilibrium between people’s basic needs and their fulfilment. The FIRO looks at three (3) specific social needs: Inclusion, Control and Affection and how compared to expressed or wanted behaviours. A FIRO Business version is available that addresses the specific requirements of organizations. This tool helps develop professionals by using three (3) business-focused areas: Involvement, Influence, and Connection.
This tool helped people, teams, and organizations implement positive behavioural changes. The FIRO-B can be used for team building, leadership development, relationship building, professional development and conflict management.
The TKI provides insight, empowerment and resolution to people involved in conflicts. It identifies alternative conflict styles and provide people with the ability to reframe and diffuse conflict. Ultimately, the model identifies five different conflict styles, called conflict modes, and provides individuals with conflict management solutions. The conflict modes (competing, collaborating, compromising, avoiding, and accommodating) are described along two dimensions: assertiveness (how we try to satisfy our own concerns) and cooperativeness (extent to which we try to satisfy the concerns of others).
The Five Behaviours of a Cohesive Team™ is an assessment-based learning experience that helps individuals and organizations reveal what it takes to build a truly cohesive and effective team in the most approachable, competent, and effective way possible. Powered by Everything DiSC®, the profiles help participants understand their own DiSC® styles. Bringing together everyone’s personalities and preferences to form a cohesive, productive team takes work, but the payoff can be huge—for individuals, the team, and the organization.
A transformative 2-day team development experience based on the link between the theoretical concepts of Pat Lencioni and the assessment/learning expertise of Wiley Learning Solutions. Through use of objective personal and team assessment data, each of the five behaviors of Trust, Conflict, Commitment, Accountability and Results is thoroughly dissected and reviewed with specific exercises and action planning to drive significant improvement. The workshop is flexible in its design and time commitments/scheduling. This program also includes a 6-month follow-up re-assessment and debrief workshop.
This program has been developed by The Achievement Centre based in London, Ontario.
The Results-Centred Leadership (RCL) enables the organization and everyone in it to achieve great results. It builds upon inherent leadership potential in each person. The program will teach participants the benefits achieved by using win/win agreements, the power and effectiveness of regularly scheduled one-on-one coaching and encourage them to coach people to succeed rather than policing them for failure. Participants will notice changes in behaviours and attitudes that produce measurable results!
Participants will improve their bottom-line results through:
This program is based on practical experiences for today’s environment and applies both personally and in the business world, providing the opportunity for a more balanced life. RCL can be facilitated to groups of leaders (or those aspiring to lead) within an organization, in open-enrollment settings, or one-on-one as part of a coaching plan.
This program has been developed by The Achievement Centre based in London, Ontario.
Coaching For Success™ gives a foundation for coaching within an organization while providing insight into the proven value of coaching, the importance of communication to that process and what should be expected in one-on-one coaching sessions. It is a great introductory program for anyone in the organization that is initiating coaching as a key communication and development tool. This program can be used as a natural follow-up for managers who have already participated in Results-Centred Leadership™ as an opportunity to consolidate the learning. After successfully completing this coaching training program, each person will understand:
The Vision to Action learning program incorporates the principles of action-based learning and delivers an innovative way for leaders acquire competencies in strategic and operational planning through a “learn-by-doing” methodology. This program is effective in increasing employee engagement to new levels because of its highly participative design and approach. The focus is on moving the strategic plan to the operational level and embedding it in leadership performance metrics and tracking tools.
The ideal learner is an individual leader or members of a leadership team who are called upon to employ organization-relevant strategic planning skills using structured processes and methodologies.
This is a management course rather than a Law course. It provides Managers the “lay of the land” when it comes to Ontario’s employment law provisions and what it means for managers and leaders. Content is accompanied by short engaging employment law scenarios that provide both context and instructional direction for leaders in Ontario.
This workshop has been developed for any individual responsible for managing or leading others.
At the end of the workshop, participants will: